The Starving Artist

Most of the time, when I hear the words the starving artist, I think of creative people who have the talent to draw beautiful paintings but they necessarily are not making enough money to support themselves. However, in a different sense musicians, and singers can starving artist as well.

Since the many events that have occurred in Music City and across the nation, such as the tornadoes, floods, and the pandemic Artist finds themselves out of jobs. Playing music nightly was their only source of income. What we are really starving for is to hit the stage again and perform for our fans and perhaps make new ones. The world as we know it has forever changed with social distancing, wearing mask, and our fans not being able to dance to the beat of the
music that we play.

Ah but one day soon, we will be singing and dancing to the beat of some new music we created while being stuck in the house. I hope to be performing somewhere in Music City along with other fellow artist.

I’ll chat with you soon.
Hope McKee